The Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) plans to Emiratise half of all specialist and senior administration posts at Dubai Metro by 2013. These include higher administrative posts as well as engineers and technicians who will form the basis of the operation and maintenance process, as well as other support services.
The total number of UAE nationals that will take up employment with the Dubai Metro in various jobs over the first 5 years is estimated in the contract with Serco as 583. Of these, 71 will assume leadership and higher administrative positions, 430 will be engineers in the fields of health, safety, environment and quality, and operations and maintenance, 74 will be customer service employees and eight will be in support services such as human resources, marketing and finance.
By the end of this year, 218 UAE nationals will be employed with the Dubai Metro, 26 of whom will be in senior management, 8 in support services, 74 as front-end customer service employees, and 110 engineers in various safety, operations and maintenance posts.
125 more jobs will be created for nationals in the Dubai Metro in 2010 – 15 in senior management and 110 in engineering.